Indonesia Today

He said "...that our principles were inside in every human being".

Damai Indonesiaku...!!!

"...dari setiap doa kita adalah harapan..mari kita galang semangat persatuan, perubahan dari diri kita dan rengkuhlah seluruh aspek kehidupan untuk tetap berdoa, yakin dan berusaha dengan ikhlas & tulus dalam memohon perbaikan hidup Bangsa ini demi anak cucu kita kelak...Tebarkan cinta & kasih sayang untuk semua doa-doa tulusmu saudaraku...berbagilah informasi & ilmu untuk Indonesia kita kembali hidup... Amin."

Effective Time Management Tips

by aditya bagaskaradish

Time is something that everyone needs to achieve goals, spend with family and friends and also for oneself. Time management is where an individual uses certain tools and methods to help manage time and to make the most of life. Any individual who manages his time and uses it optimally is successful in life.
To improve one's Time Management skills following points must be taken into consideration.
" One must use his time for a particular goal and achieve it within that stipulated time limit. During the allotted he should concentrate only on that work and give his 100% to it. One must not get distracted from his goal.
" While working on a particular objective, an individual must improve his productivity. This can be done by being more efficient and focused. Increasing productivity reduces the effort required. Also one can achieve more than planned if he is efficient.
" One must always make time for things he values and loves. Every individual must spend substantial amount of time with friends, family and for recreational activities. This is very important as it keeps the individual cheerful which is very necessary to do any other work. Moreover, not extra activities in life will make one dull and exhausted.
" Every person must find a balance between work and family or self. Only work can make life monotonous and frustrating. A personal life is equally important to work so there must be a fine balance between the two.
" The focus should always be on what is important. Unwanted activities and too much indulgence in any activity are not good for your time management. It might disrupt or spoil one's schedule.
" An individual must always set his goals much in advance. This keeps and individual optimistic and ambitious. He will always look forward to achieving those goals instead of being aimless.
" Identify the time that is wasted during your schedule and make good use of that time. Keeping track is very important to achieve any goal on time.
" Any goal set should be achieved but not by sacrificing one's health. Thus Time Management Software becomes very important. Stress and anxiety must not be there as it can have an adverse effect on both the health and quality of work.
" Time should be managed in all areas of life. This makes life more organized and success in every aspect of life.

0 Salam Indonesia !!!:

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